MCB Credit & Securities Limited offers all its private customers the possibility to subscribe for a fixed term deposit. All you need to do is, choose a term, deposit a fixed amount into your saving’s or current account and earn interest at a great fixed rate.  In return for this interest-bearing savings scheme, MCB Credit & Securities Limited issues the customer a fixed rate saver bond (anonymous or issued with the holder’s name).


Private Customers with checking or saving’s accounts are eligible to subscribe for a fixed term deposit


In exchange for the fixed deposit, the Bank reverses interests which are prepaid or post-paid to the client at the end of term with regards on the type of fixed term deposit subscribed.


The compensation for a fixed term deposit is based on the rates of the market.
The minimum amount to per subscription is 500 000 AED.


The minimum term for a fixed term deposit is 3 months, renewable upon request of the customer. The maximum term is 24 months.How to subscribe for a Fixed Term Deposit

Visit the nearest  MCB Credit & Securities Limited branch to you. Our Customer Relationship Officers are here to help you sign up for a FIXED TERM DEPOSIT.

  • Steady yield and regular interest payment: The compensation is made known to the customer at the time of subscription and at the maturity of your fixed term deposit you receive your initial capital intact.
  • A Simple and transparent product: Requires little follow up and no fees at all
  • A Discreet Investment: You have the option to subscribe for a fixed term deposit and be issued an anonymous fixed rate saver bond..